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Business Advisory

Management Consultancy:

People may do the business but to run the business is not something where everyone can excel. Our team of highly experienced professionals and sector experts addresses strategic intents of corporate leaders to fill the gorge for exceptional performance in the swiftly changing situations.

Business Plan:

Like a great building requires strong foundation, a great business requires planning. What to plan is an aspect on which everyone applies their mind however, forming a workable plan is something in which we believe. We advise in creating, validating and documenting a practical and logistical plan.

Start Up Support:

A start-up is a complex and tedious process requiring focus not only to core business but also on the various other regulatory compliances. Let the business be focused by you and regulatory compliance be performed by us, which will allow business to successfully surpass the introduction stage of the business cycle.

Structuring of transactions:

A single transaction can be structured in multiple ways. We provide guidance on best possible structure of a particular transaction so as to maximize the benefits such as tax saving, cost optimisation, logistical, etc.

Contract Management:

Contracts are routine part of business. An entity enters into various contracts with customers, vendors, employees, etc. And it is well known fact that each and every word plays role in a contract. Therefore, we offer contract management solutions. We provide contract drafting services, in-depth contract review, suggestions on contract, etc.

Restructuring and Turnaround Strategies:

Peaks and Valleys are part and parcel of every business. Sometimes the valley is so steep that expert’s advisory is required to climb back. We offer strategic advisory and handholding for structed and effective turnaround.

Due Diligence:

We believe in being proactive. We perform corporate due diligence services so that acquirer is reasonably informed about exposure involved in business/asset being acquired and safeguard himself before signing the contract. Also, due diligence is suggested from the seller’s perspective as it can help the seller to fetch higher value of business/asset being sold.

Mergers and Acquisitions:

Mergers and Acquisitions are long going process which may even last for years. It almost includes checks from various angles right from identifying appropriate merging partner to post merger activities.

  • Identification of Opportunities: We assist in identifying and evaluating various opportunities and suggesting best opportunity which can be suitable and create win-win situation for the merged entities.
  • Negotiation Support: Negotiation requires tactful skills and out of box thinking. Our experts are enriched with negotiation skills which can be helpful in deriving best value for money.
  • Valuation: There are various method for valuing the business. We help to select the most optimum method for encasing valuation of both, maximum price that the acquiring company is ready to pay and the minimum price that the target company desires to receive.
  • Regulatory process: We handhold throughout the whole regulatory process such as obtaining court approvals, statutory compliances, tax requirements, etc.

Feasibility Study:

One of the most essential elements for a business is how feasible their plans are. Feasibility study refers to the practical assessment of the proposed plans and methods. We study the feasibility of such plans and estimate future image of the business which steers strategic decisions to adapt the required skills and resources.

Risk Management:

There exists no business in the world which is risk free. Therefore, safeguarding business interests has gained paramount importance. Risk management is all about how one can manage and mitigate the risks. We assist business organisation in assessing risks, analyse impact on business due to risk, recommending controls for mitigating risks, etc.

  • Risk assessment: We assist in the process of identifying risk, assessing the risk and recommending controls in order to mitigate and reduce the risk to an acceptable level considering probability and impact of occurrence of risk.
  • Business impact analysis: With our systematic approach, we determine and evaluate the potential effects of an interruption of critical business operations as a result of risk being materialised.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP):

Business continuity planning is ignored by entities more often than not. Continuity plan for a business is utmost important as the factors disrupting business are sudden. Global pandemic Corona Virus is one of such factors; other factors can be fire breakout, earthquakes, etc. Therefore, we support in preparing a proper, logistical and documented plan which can be ready guide in such sudden disruptions.

  • Business Resumption Planning: We help to advise on planning the process and actions to be taken to return from disrupted business to normal operations. We assess the minimum level of activity required at which such resumption shall take place, level of time within which such resumption shall take place and much more.
  • Disaster recovery plan: This is a situation where the company is forced to focus on its survival and stability by minimizing loss instead of growth and profits. We provide best strategies to gain stability in the business and ensure its continuity in critical functions.
  • Business Continuity Strategy: This generally refers to effective implementation of our planning ensuring the continuity of the business. Lack in effective implementation of the planning may create more worse situation for the business. We suggest that such implementation under a guidance of experienced professionals.
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